Verifiable Evidence – Paranormal Movie

In case you missed it, I had a hand or two in creating a  Paranormal Movie. Side note, I’m going to be creating one hopefully soon about the significance of…

Support Demonicpedia Update!

Our good friends over at in conjunction with have graciously designed some great Tshirts for our readers to help support the site and keep it running and updated!…

Still making changes!

  The human body is a remarkably adaptable machine. Even if years and years of neglect have allowed pound after pound of fat to fill out your frame, you can…


Hey guys, As promised we’ve finally been updating our content. We’re quickly becoming THE authority on the web for demon-related material! We’re always looking for people to contribute, however, so…

Our Goal

There has been some inquiry as to how we’re getting our information. Not the actual how but the fact that, yes we are getting it from multiple existing sources. While…

The Demonicpedia Blog

Welcome Demonicpedia readers! While we have been lacking on updates I can assure you that is changing. We have more writers now (but more are always welcome) and we’re working…

Contribute to Demonicpedia!

This project was originally intended as an information center for those interested in demonology and those already in the field to learn more. But it has become apparent that it’s…